Technology in the Law Office Chapter 5 Assignment 1 Under Continuing Exercises Course Hero

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Connect Business Law Chapter 51 Quiz

urgent assignment helpQ1. A basic feature of workers' compensation is that employees recover only for work-related injuries. True

Q2. Workers' compensation directly forbids hazardous working conditions. False

Q3. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) requires certain employers to provide pension plans for their employees. False

Q4. An employer will be liable for harassment by a co-worker of a sexual harassment victim only when the employer knew or should have known about the harassment. True

Q5. The Family and Medical Leave Act allows for up to 12 weeks of paid leave for qualifying family and medical reasons. False

Q6. Courts have increasingly made employers liable for breaking promises to their employees regarding termination policy. True

Q7. Which one of the following statements concerning workers' compensation laws is generally correct?

  • Workers' compensation laws are very narrowly construed against employees.
  • Workers' compensation protects employees and independent contractors.
  • Employers are strictly liable.
  • Workers' compensation reduces the probability that an injured employee will recover.

Q8. Who funds workers' compensation?

  • The Social Security Administration
  • The states
  • The employees
  • The federal government

Q9. Kevin, an employee of Frank's Wholesale Furniture, Inc., was injured in the course of employment while operating a circular saw manufactured and sold to Frank's Wholesale Furniture by EZ Cutz Corp. It has been determined that Frank's Wholesale Furniture was negligent in supervising the operation of the saw and that the saw was defectively designed by EZ Cutz. If Frank's Wholesale Furniture has complied with the state's mandatory workers' compensation statute, Kevin may:

  • not commence a products liability action against EZ Cutz.
  • not obtain workers' compensation benefits.
  • obtain workers' compensation benefits and properly commence a products liability suit against EZ Cutz.
  • obtain workers' compensation benefits instead of filing separate cases of action against EZ Cutz and Frank's Wholesale Furniture for negligence.

Q10. Which of the following is a correct statement about the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)?

  • OSHA complements workers' compensation in promoting workplace safety.
  • OSHA requires employers to report only those injuries that lead to an employee's death.
  • OSHA applies to all employers engaged in a business affecting intrastate commerce.
  • OSHA has no provision for private action by employees covered under the act.

Q11. Dor-Mart is a chain of discount stores. It has stores in every state and thousands of employees on record. Which of the following employees of Dor-Mart would have been covered under the Family and Medical Leave Act?

  • Leslie was an employee from November 2017 to May 2018, and she worked for 1,400 hours in that time period.
  • Scott was an employee from April 2017 to November 2017, and he worked for 1,100 hours in that time period.
  • Clara was an employee from June 2017 to March 2018, and she worked for 1,100 hours in that time period.
  • Dennis was an employee from April 2017 to May 2018, and he worked for 1,400 hours in that time period.

Q12. Which of the following established a minimum wage law?

  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  • Family and Medical Leave Act
  • Fair Labor Standards Act
  • Social Security

Q13. The most important 20th-century American labor statute was the:

  • National Labor Relations Act.
  • Railway Labor Act.
  • Norris–LaGuardia Act.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act.

Q14. _____ allowed employees to bargain collectively through their own representatives.

  • The Railway Labor Act
  • The Wagner Act
  • The Norris–LaGuardia Act
  • The Fair Labor Standards Act

Q15. The bona fide occupational qualification defense does not protect against which of the following discrimination cases?

  • Sex
  • Religion
  • National origin
  • Race

Q16. Which of the following acts declared that certain acts by unions are unfair labor practices, such as employees' rights to refrain from joining a union?

  • The Taft–Hartley Act
  • The Wagner Act
  • The Norris–LaGuardia Act
  • The Landrum–Griffin Act

Q17. Sandra is 38 years old. She has worked at Giant Industries (GI) for 15 years. Giant has over 1,000 employees and customers all over the world. Giant has decided to downsize in order to increase its profits per share and thus "maximize shareholder value." 10 percent of all employees are being laid off; Sandra is one of them. The layoffs are concentrated in a division that women comprise 75 percent of the workforce. She might have a legal claim against Giant based on which federal statute?

  • Civil Rights Act, Title VII
  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act
  • Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Equal Pay Act

Q18. All things considered, for which of the following is an employer least likely to be held liable for "invasion of privacy"?

  • Penalizing employees who refuse to take a lie detector test (because they must have something to hide)
  • Searching employees' desks for pornographic printed materials (to stop on-the-job sexual harassment)
  • Secretly (without notice or consent) monitoring employees' use of their office computers (to see if they're engaged in non-business-related activity at work)
  • Releasing embarrassing private details in an ex-employee's job records (to stop him from criticizing the firm in public)


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