Eso Game Freezes for Like 3 to 5 Seconds and Then Continues

  • #1

I really need help to fix my laptop. It keeps freezing in a game of league of legends for 2-3 seconds, no fps drops or anything just freezes and sometimes comes up that I've disconnected.

I've tried heaps of things like:
- Updating drives
- Cleaning under my laptop
- Re-installing
- Using WiFi instead of Ethernet
- Different Ethernet Cable
- Turning IP Helper Off

Any ideas on how to fix? Please help.

Jul 28, 2016
  • #2
What sort of freeze is it? Just a drop to 0 FPS for 2-3 seconds then regulates its self again?

This could be a result in overheating, do you have your CPU temperatures while gaming?

In addition to this, could you provide me with the GPU temperatures as well?

This could also be to do with too much CPU usage, or not enough RAM available? Could you tell me them levels while you're playing LoL

  • #3
I'm not sure what sort of freeze it is because the fps doesn't drop and my ping doesn't spike up.

Yeah i got my temperatures while playing and the CPU got to around 65°C and the motherboard got to around 70°C.

I use the program Razer Cortex to free up some RAM for LoL since i've only got 4GB of RAM so i don't think its a RAM problem. Not sure what you mean by the levels of the CPU and RAM sorry don't know much about this kinda stuff, but this is what i found by using speccy
- CPU core speed is 1797MHz
- CPU bus speed is 99.8MHz
- RAM memory usage is 78%
- RAM total physical is 3.89GB

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