Final Fantasy Wedding Invitations Couple Silhouette Funny

Why risk having an out-of-box comic wedding invite when a classic one will do the job?Because each of you has a unique personality and a different story to tell. Sounds like a marketing line your wedding planner throws at you? Not really! Most couples nowadays ask for personalized weddings, weddings as UNIQUE as they are!

Humour Requires No Legacy!

Not a comedy enthusiast? Not hooked onto AIB, not 'Miss Funnybones' to your friends, no subscription to SMS jokes? Don't let it stop you! There is no better time than your wedding to show your devotion to Gelos (Greek god of laughter).

That little extra effort to spice up your invites will not only grab eyeballs but may go viral! Back in 2013, Katie Kerr and Chris Sabino's wedding invite became an internet sensation and even made it to the TV networks.

Reason? This is clever and funny Wedding Invitation Ideas With RSVP card….

Want to know how to evoke a few laughs with your wedding invite?

3 Steps To A Hilarious Wedding Invitation…

1. Decide what goes on the card – Use your story or your common interests.

2. Use casual wording and subtle humour, not disrespectful/wacko (might not amuse everyone). .

3. Use funny graphics – caricatures, fave comic/movie inspired characters etc.

Too lazy to do all of the above? Easy!

Find A…

1. Wedding card designer OR

2. Choose from templates online (Etsy is a great place to start)

Psst..!: If you are planning on having a 3-D card with laser-cut pop-ups or require custom graphic work it's best to

collaborate with a wedding card designer.

Here are a few funny wedding invites that caught our eye…

1. Mugshot – Funny Wedding Invitation Ideas

This couple used mugshots to give an edgy flavour to their Save the Date invites.

2. Opposites Attract

Love triumphs all differences…eh?

How to find a common theme for a couple who are polar opposites? Fear not! Use your differences creatively.

Contrast your tastes and hobbies, then advertise how FEVICOL brought you together. Just kidding!! Close it with a touching line on how LOVE is the glue that binds you.

3. It's Showtime…

This invitation is modelled on movie posters complete with the funny dialogues!

4. Venue Inspired Cards

Jungle themed card for a wedding set in the wilderness. And the wording is hilarious.

[Read More: Best Wedding Card Matter In English]

5. Parinay On A Parva Din? {for non-hindi folks: Wedding on a Public holiday}

Does your wedding date coincide with a festival or a public holiday? You can style your wedding invites to match the fervour of the occasion like this one below –

6. Conquest Of Love: Funny Wedding Invitation Ideas

One couple used Caesar's famous "I came, I saw, I conquered" adapting it to their story with cute caricatures. A funny line on frisking guests for gifts lends the comedy touch to this simple yet fun wedding invite.

7. Minion Fans

These minion inspired invites are so cute and funny.

But we like this one the best. Must say, nothing beats minions in Indian costumes!

8. Brief History Of Time

This wedding invite gives a fun account of the couple's courtship. Sharing your story beforehand will mean your parents/friends/relatives won't have to supply information to curious guests on how, where and when you met?

The one below uses typography creatively to tell its tale.

Some couples use infographics to create invitations that give guests a time-line of their romance.

[Read More: 10 Creative Wedding Cards To Announce Your Love Story]

9. Patakha Weds Dhamaka: Funny Wedding Invitation Ideas

This awesome invitation is a tribute to the couple's blazing romance.

Check out the whole invitation at the vendor's Facebook page –

Tip: Include a sparkler in each invitation. Guests can light it up at the wedding to give the couple a warm send-off.

10. Bride vs Groom Invites

Wrestling match at a wedding? Never happens!

But Indian wedding rituals do allow couples to engage in harmless contests to decide who will reign post-marriage. Get your own Indian-style cards with traditional motifs, and make your own 'match' advert!

One popular post wedding game is 'FIND THE RING'. Whoever is the first to retrieve the ring from a pot is laughingly declared as the dominant partner in the marriage.

[Read More:Bengali Wedding Card Matter]

A different use of the wrestling theme:

Po Tweet's creative interpretation of how love wins over silly couple fights using a wrestling context is simple but amusing.

11. Comic Strip Wedding Invite

This is the most original comic strip wedding invite you will ever come across.


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12. Kaise Pataya?

How did you win his/her heart?

Did he love chocolate? Did you pick the cookie route to his heart?

Make a fun infographic like the one below to tell that story.

[Read More: 40 Fabulous Ideas For Wedding Invitation Cards]

13. Photo Booth Style

The couple strike funny poses expressing various moods and look so flipping cute and adorable doing it.

It will be hard for guests to check 'NO' on this RSVP.

14. Super-Hero Wedding Invites

Weddings are for wish-fulfillment. Why not star as your favourite super-hero on your wedding invite?

15. Deck Of Cards

Image Source: Pink Whistle Man

Love to play card games? This a perfect wedding invite for you!

Love how game terms like 'FULL HOUSE' have been adapted to the context of a wedding party!

16. Let The Games Begin

Taking the game theme further, couples are designing invitations as board games.

Image: Pink Whistle man

Interactive wedding invitations will engage your guests in a fun way for a playful start to your wedding

[Read More: 9 Expensive Wedding Cards Perfect To Announce Your Royal Union]

17. Did The Bride See This?

CAUTION: Do not use this idea unless

1. Bride came up with the idea herself
2. She thinks cows are cute and adorable
3. She is the most sportive person on the planet


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